Fiber Burn Chart
Acrylic Melting - no ash created
Cleaning house. Literally and figuratively. I've been working hard to go through and organize all the files from the old shop, in addition to all the various notes I've made to myself - little bits of this and that. Brilliant ideas at the time, I'm sure....but some of them don't mean anything to me now. I find myself sitting and pondering them, trying to unravel the secret they have to tell's like a mystery...but not. A glimpse into my mind over decades of creative energy. Does anybody else do this? Can you always successfully interpret your notes and drawings?
I'm digressing.
The point behind this post has nothing to do with that, except I did re-discover this wonderful page I had linked at the old place. I thought I would share it with you guys, in hopes it might help someone decipher what the content of that obscure ball of yarn is.......ball band having long gone missing.